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Employment Law Attorneys
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Jury Verdict In Sutter County Superior Court against the County of Sutter, Sheriff’s Department (CVCS19-0000737). This case involved disability-related medical leave & sexual harassment. Click here to learn more about this case.

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Successfully recovered millions of dollars in compensation.

Regardless of the amount that you are paid or whether you are hourly or salaried, your employer is required to follow strict laws when it comes to paying you for your work. If you have concerns about your compensation or believe that you are not being paid fairly, your employer may have made a mistake. It may also be possible that they have intentionally taken steps to avoid paying you properly in order to save money. Whatever the case may be, our Los Angeles wage and hour lawyers at Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP are here to assist you. We are experienced at representing a broad array of employment law matters.


Wage laws are established and governed by the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) as well as various state laws. These laws govern classifications of employees, minimum wage, and overtime pay, as well as a variety of other related issues. You should be paid fairly for the hours you have worked, and in a timely manner.

A few examples of the common types of wage and hour violations we handle include:

  • Misclassifying employees as exempt
  • Altering employee time sheets
  • Asking employees to work off the clock
  • Not paying for overtime hours
  • Not paying for all of the hours worked

Understanding California’s Wage and Hour Laws

California’s labor laws aim to protect the rights and well-being of workers, ensuring they are fairly compensated for their time and effort. Here are some of the key wage and hour laws that significantly impact employees in the state.

Minimum Wage

  • California’s minimum wage has been gradually increasing since January 2019, providing better remuneration for workers.
  • As of 2022, employers with up to 25 employees must pay a minimum of $14.00 per hour, while larger employers must pay $15.00 per hour.
  • Starting January 2023, all employers, regardless of size, must adhere to the $15.50 hourly minimum wage requirement.
  • Notably, tipped employees in California are entitled to the same minimum wage as non-tipped employees, setting it apart from some other states where tipped workers receive lower pay.


  • California overtime laws mandate employers to pay one and one-half times the regular hourly wage for every hour worked beyond eight hours a day or over 40 hours per workweek or 8 hours per day. 
  • Some exemptions and exceptions to the general overtime law exist, so employers should ensure they understand and apply these rules appropriately.


  • All employees in California are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break after working for five hours.
  • Employees are entitled to a 10 minute period of rest for every four hours they work. 
  • A second 30-minute break is required if an employee works more than 12 hours in a day. 


At Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP, we strongly believe that employers who are intentionally making “errors” when it comes to employees’ hours or wages should be held accountable for their behavior. You should be compensated not only for their illegal actions but for the inconvenience caused to you and your family.

Contact our expert trial lawyers today at (213) 232-4848.

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“At the offices of Levin & Nalbandyan you get the help from very professional people like Harry Nalbandyan and his team. They work with you, they know what they are doing and they get things done.”

L. C.
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