Important Pieces of Evidence to Collect After a Work Injury

Millions of people get injured on the job each year, and thousands end up dying from those injuries. Despite how widespread workplace accidents are, few people ever expect to get injured while at work, and even fewer know what to do if they are. The steps you take after a work-related injury can directly impact your right to compensation.

At Levin & Nalbandyan, LLP, we have recovered millions of dollars for individuals who have been injured at work in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. We have extensive experience helping those who were harmed or lost a loved one in a workplace accident. If you have sustained an injury on the job, contact our office at (213) 232-4848 for a free consultation. 

How to Prove a Workers’ Comp Case

If you are injured while at work, collect these 5 pieces of evidence to protect your right to recovery:

  1. Photos and Videos of the Accident Scene
  2. Medical Records Showing the Extent of Your Injuries
  3. Employment & Income Records
  4. Work Records to Demonstrate Working Conditions
  5. Eyewitness Statements (for the Accident or Working Hazard)

1. Photos and Videos of the Scene

One of the first things you should do is take photos of your injury and the area where the accident occurred. Document everything from the condition of the workplace to the machine that you were working on. If you can take videos, too. The more hard evidence and documentation you have showing what caused your injuries, the stronger your case will be. 

In addition, if you retain a qualified workers’ compensation attorney, they may be able to subpoena surveillance videos or security footage of your workplace. It is essential to act quickly because cameras may be erased every 48 to 72 hours.

2. Medical Records

In order to prove your case, you will need to show the extent of your injuries. The only way to prove your injuries is through your medical records. You need to show that you were treated by a healthcare provider.

Failure to seek immediate treatment or retain your records could result in less compensation. Always follow all of your doctor’s orders and do not stop treatment unless you are released by a medical professional. 

3. Employment Records

To receive workers’ compensation benefits or damages related to loss of income, you will need to show what your income was at the time of the accident. Collect all of your paystubs, W2s, or any other information that will indicate what you were making when you were injured.

4. Work Reports

The more information you can provide about your working conditions, the better. Try to obtain maintenance records and safety reports. Save any written safety procedures that you were given and make copies of any other relevant documents.

5. Witness Statements

Finally, get contact information for any eyewitnesses to the accident. A person who can directly account for what happened may help your case. Provide the witness information to your attorney so that they can adequately investigate your claim.

In addition to providing valuable evidence for your claim, an eyewitness may also be able to identify unsafe work conditions that could have contributed to the accident. For example, if a witness saw you fall due to a wet floor that had not been marked as slippery, their testimony could help to establish that your employer was negligent in maintaining a safe work environment.

Contact an Attorney Today

If you are injured at work in Los Angeles, you need to consult with an attorney. Do not wait. Contact our office at (213) 232-4848 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve after a workplace injury.

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If your claim has been denied or your attorney has decided to give up, reach out to our firm for a second opinion.